Taster Events

Open Evening
In the absence of a physical open evening, we are delighted to showcase our Post 16 centre as a virtual open evening.  Click here to visit the Virtual Open Evening website which includes a welcome video from Mr Rutter,Principal and from Mrs Clifford, Director of Post 16.

Taster days
Year 11 Taster Days are aimed at any students wishing to consider Outwood Academy Hemsworth as a post 16 option.  Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Taster Days will not take place this year. 

You will have already selected the four subject areas and a careers choice you want to experience in advance of attending the Taster Day.  On the day you will be welcomed by existing students, staff and receive a short welcome talk by the Post 16 lead, Mrs Clifford  You will then go directly to your first taster session and then carry on to the rest of your chosen subjects.

We are hopeful that this experience will give you an idea of which subjects you would like to pursue in the future or indeed help you to decide whether the Post 16 centre at Outwood Academy Hemsworth and A-Levels/Level 3 Applied Generals are right for you.  

Experience week

At Outwood Academy Hemsworth we encourage students to take up the opportunities for preparing for life in Post 16.  In July year 11 students will have the opportunity to sample Post 16 lessons as a starting point for bridging the gap between Year 11 and Year 12.